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Posted by:
Staffan Lindholm (zootut@gmail.com), 25/05-2009 20:41
Jag saknar Dig när jag står på klacken på Stadion. Är Du kvar i DIF eller vad hände efter förra skadan? Vänligast staffan

My reply:
Hi och tack Staffan,
jag är frisk nu och vill verkligen gjöra mitt absolut bäst för dif, håppas det händer snart.

Posted by:
Rilla (?), 17/05-2009 07:57
Kesäkuussako Kaivarinrannan lenkkipoluilla hymyilemässä? Jos reitti kulkee sopivasti kohdalle, saattaisiko maestro jarruttaa vaikka peukalonnostosta kirjan signeerauksen verran? Tohtisiko vielä pyytää nimikoinnin mihin tahansa mukana olevaan kirjaan, joka valitettavasti ja mitä todennäköisimmin, ei ole Juuriseoikea?..

Ei huolta! Lenkitä kaikessa sielunrauhassa! En tule tulemaan puskista!

Aurinkoa ja kevättä!

My reply:
Hei Aurinkoinen,
kiitos miellyttävästä viestistä. Juoksen siis tästäkin eteenpäin silmät auki ja hymyillen, ja toivottavasti sinä, kynä ja kirja osutte kohdalle. Joka tapauksessa elämän ylivoimaa matkaasi.

Posted by:
Pascal (pascalknopp95@web.de), 10/05-2009 11:04
Hi Aki !

I´m not (!!!) a chinese student

or a Palace fan. I´m a Kaiserslautern fan and I want to ask you now, why did you left the FCK ???

My reply:
Hi not a Chinese student,
there is nothing wrong with the club but we set our goals to something that we didnt achieve and i was injured most part of the season, and i think it is fair that footballer has to produce results for his club or leave. It just didnt quite work out this time. I still like the club and i recommend you to take Palace as your English club ;)

Posted by:
Conny Wisén (conny.wisen@comhem.se), 14/05-2009 15:23
Ingen fråga! Ville bara önska dig lycka till på din strävan att snart få spela din första match för säsongen i A-laget! Du är efterlängtad! Vad gäller Starbucks så har jag hört att de inte velat etablera sig i Stockholm då Waynes Coffe kopierat deras idé, och att de ligger i tvist! Jag skulle också gärna se Starbucks i Stockholm!:-) Lycka till!

My reply:
Tack Conny, trevligt att höras. Jag är frisk men förstår att det var mycket för några att handla vad hände tidligare. Jag kan bara träna och gjöra mitt bästa och håppas alt vänder sig bra för klubben. Plus att vi får Starbucks i Stockholm. Måste säga att jag gillar ju Waynes Coffee också.

Posted by:
Niina (-), 05/05-2009 01:34
Hei, voisitko lähettää minulle sinun nimmarisi, mihin voisin lähettää osoitteeni sinulle yksityisesti ? :)

My reply:
Hei Niina,
nämä viestit ovat yksityisiä eli jos lähetät tälle samalle palstalle osoitteen, niin lähetän mielelläni nimmarin enkä julkaise viestiäsi. Elämän ylivoimaa kesään!

Posted by:
Sam Murley (s.c.murley@brighton.ac.uk), 15/04-2009 16:08
Hi Aki,
I am currently studying at the University of Brighton undertaking a Sports Journalism course. As part of my dissertation I am studying football rivalries with a specific focus on the rivalry between Crystal Palace and Brighton & Hove Albion. I am writing to you to discover if there is any possibility of a short interview about your memories and accounts of past games and the rivalry itself. Your input would be extremely useful as well as greatly appreciated by a Palace fan.
Sam Murley.

My reply:
Hi Sam,
sorry about the late answer and i guess you have already finnished your dissertation so probably i wont be able to help you anymore. I still remember the first game like it was yesterday, and the faces of fans when we beat them 5-0. Football is a game of big passions and emotions and these climaxes during derby games.
Hope you are well and did well in school.

Posted by:
Kay Wilder (kay.wilder1@btinternet.com), 07/04-2009 23:51
Hi Aki,

How are you? glad to hear you are still motoring in midfield, it is a shame it is not at palace, the place was never the same after you left.

You ad Dougie will alaways be a part of CPFC.

Good Luck


My reply:
Hi Kay,
thank you i have been better but i will rise again. I have to say, that even though i thought it was right at the time, i really regret leaving Palace. It is a good club with great people like you in there, my experience in Germany was not too pleasent apart from the game itself. As for Dougie, he is Palace through and through, so in one way or another he will always be there.

Posted by:
Per (per.neraas-andersen@hotmail.co), 05/04-2009 16:24
Dear Aki.

When do you plan to return to Enga? We need your killer-instinct at the pitch!!

Please say goodbye to England, and welcome home to Oslo :)

Happy Easter!!


My reply:
Dear Per,
Enga and Klanen have a special place for me and that experience i hold dear to me wherever i go. I dont know if our paths will cross or join again, but i will never forget what you good people gave to me in there. Thank you.

Posted by:
MAR-C (Brasil) (marcelo_banks@msn.com), 03/04-2009 22:41
Hello Aki,
What is your view on the world economic crisis? Extent to which the crisis affects the live of professional footballers and their teams? If you had the opportunity to play for a club of Brazil, you would accept? Happiness and success in your career.

My reply:
Hello MAR-C from BRIC -countries.
I think it is going to be very bad and how we have lived to debt will turn against us now. Hopefully people wont have to suffer too much but it seems impossible to predict what is going to happen. As bad as it sounds soon is the best time to buy shares, though.
It will definitely affect football, as it does all businesses and industries.
And just let me know when the plane leaves ;)

Posted by:
Joakim Draköga (joakim.drakoga@comhem.se), 27/03-2009 22:36
Hello Aki:)

I´ve spoken to you at "Djurgårdsdagen" the last two years. I´m the man with four girls and they have spoken finnish with you. My Question is:
Why do you "whining";) about Starbucks in Stockholm, when you have "Mellqvists" at Rörstrandsgatan? Try it! I can even buy you one, just mail me.

Joakim Draköga

My reply:
Hello Joakim and good to hear from you,
you are actually completely right. I just happened to have a rainy day (or month to be honest) but there is nothing that a good cup of coffee and good people around could not possible take away. I promise no more whining. Best regards to the whole family.

1-10 : 11-20 : more questions

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