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Social network diary Nov/2011
if tomorrow is my last game, it has not been a bad year: Champions of Finland with 24points lead and +60 goal difference, Finnish Cup winners and still unbeaten in Players pool tournament.
was five days in Africa for Finnish Foreign Aid. In a cashew nut shell Tanzania is a country with huge challenges and the trip raised a lot of thoughts what is the best way to help. As a footballer, I was pleased how NGO Liike has built with locals 680 football pitches where 250000 children can play football if they attend school.
can i open the Xmas calender already today because i am not home in the beginning of december?
just finished morning gym training session in Bangkok... next either Tempel & City -tour or Hangover 2 -type of sightseeing.
this morning 5 am Finnish time i should have been eating kebab in taxi queue after overlong xmas party... instead i had just made one hour run after good sleep, eaten fruit salad for breakfast and was sunbading at the pool. Next stop either elephant trekking or watching monks walk around buddha statue. Still highlight of the day was to think of the amazing Palace win over Man Utd a few days back. Eagles!