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Social network diary Apr-June/2011
Life could be worse ;)
Happy with yet another wins and great support, but the big games are only about to come. Also feeling good about future football kids in Finland and decided to put whatever i know from football to a football school in august.
Top of the league, place in the cup final, four wins in a row now and today Carlos Santana gig at our stadium... life is good.
Barcelona is the closest thing to a perfection... but it must be hard to be Gerard Pique: he has won in club football on average 3 trophies every year and last summer he went to a trip and came back as world champion and with Shakira, so surely for him it is actually a great buzz for a change to have just a quiet evening with movie rental and Chinese takeaway
It was important to win and get into the cup final, but there is absolutely no time to think about any possible trophies yet as now on Sunday top of the table clash at home... should be good!
"Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character." "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." Overwhelmed about John Wooden quotes, sunny training day and Helsinki, it is time for Tuesday's pub quiz league.
Do swedish players dance? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL-Nd9xOU2s
Sami Hyypiä announced his retirement today... what a career, what a player, what a great man, what a great leader... by far the best team mate I have ever played with. Thanks and maximum respect Sami!
Situation check: Palace (job done), Lautern (almost there), Enga (at striking distance), DIF (dissappointing start), HJK (ready to rumble), my fitness level (getting there), to-do-list (3 pages), my social life (this update was all of it), life in general (sunny)... so overall at vappu -time there are decent amount of spring at boobies.
Great win today and looking forward for the season start. Last week I was learning to cook food, but quite frankly I will need a bit more practicing before opening a gourmet restaurant... but at least none of the guests got sick. Deliciously sunny Easter to everyone, specially for the Eagles on Monday!
Toivoo että kaikki suomalaiset äänestävät tänään ja haluavat vaikuttaa minkälaisen Suomen haluamme tulevaisuudessa.
Argentinian national team physio was keeping lesson today in Finland and i was the test group of one... after analysis of my running he said to other doctors and physios that there can be seen a few scientific reasons why i am not as fast as Messi... and everyone was like really????? Good enough result for Barca today!
Is just about to start commenting Champions league for Finnish telly. They say it is not going to be many goals... should I say that even I have scored against both goalies hahaha
On joko kertakäyttölapsi tai palautettava tehtaalle viallisena... viime viikolla meni kaikki rikki mihin vaan koski! Mutta nyt ollaan matkalla kohti ylivoimaista viikkoa!
On muuten mulle tällä vuosisadalla ensimmäiset vaalit kun olen asunut Suomessa... Ylen vaalikone antoi mulle 1.Laura Räty ja viimeisenä 217.eräs Itsenäisyyspuolueen ehdokas. Kumpaakaan en heistä tunne, arvostan yleisesti demokratian mahdollistamia eri mielipiteitä ja mielestäni moni vaalikoneen kysymyksenasettelu ja niiden vertailun merkitys herätti itsessänikin eripuraa. Toivon että kaikki suomalaiset äänestävät.