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Bad results
Viking-VIF 1-1.
Stavanger, the blessed stadium of bad weather and results, was near to see points gone with the wind all the way to Oslo. It didnt. At 0-1 had we three big chances to finish the game. We didnt. Dadason did. Unfortunately. It was not an unfair result, but we could have ended up with all three important points. We chose to play very careful, give initiative to Viking. We did it good. And we had our chances. Me too. Could have made a goal. Should. Ok game. Not much to complain. However situation is now even worse. Start and Bryne are fighting good. There is no help from others. Not a bit. We have to take six points from last three games. We can. First three comes against Rosenborg. It will.
This week I recommend
1.Film The usual suspects (Mistenkte, Epäillyt)
2.Single Real slim shady
3.Phone Nokia Communicator
I do not recommend
2.Stavanger stadium