Takaisin uutisiin
Crystal Palace - Grimsby 5-0
Crystal Palace - Barnsley 1-0
After some dissapointments in the league we made some good results this week. What is common to these results is - that Crystal Palace was involved in both games. As a home team. As a justified winner. With clean sheet. Solid defence. Hard working and patient. Concentrated. Eager to win. With good support from the stands.
We forced the opponent to play the football we are good at. And we won. Now we are back. It is early in the season but I believe we can fight for the promotion. If I did not believe that, I might just instead travel back to Finland and open a Turkish Kebab restaurant. I did not come to England to do something I dont believe in. I want to win. That is why I dont like kebabs.
When ball left from Tommys feet I had a deja-vu from recent Greece game. More than scoring I am happy for winning and playing good 180 minutes. It is bit funny that people were concerned about me when I did not score for four league games. Who do they think I am, Batistuta? This has gone whole wrong. My job is to be invisible, work hard and do it simple for the team. Just like I am with girls: even though I work hard they treat me as invisible and simple.
I have always scored some (no we talk about football again) but my goal is not to be remembered as a goalmachine. Actually I do not mind if I am not remembered as a good player either. I would rather be remembered as a good person and a teamplayer. And also as a handsome, generous and intelligent leader of the world, if it is not too much asked ;) Most likely only my Mom remembers me at all. Anyways, I cant remember anymore what my point was so...
This week I recommend:
1. Thornton Rangers -youth football club
2. Deja-vus
3. Buying an iron
I do not recommend:
1. Turkish kebab restaurants
2. Central heating system in my flat
3. Wrinkled shirts
Bye for now,
Aki, the vegetarian