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Social network diary Oct-Dec/2009
stages of a man: He believes in Santa Claus. He doesn’t believe in Santa Claus. He is Santa Claus… but don't blame us because after all Santa knows where all the naughty girls live... ;) Merry Xmas everyone!
did last week coaching qualifications... just in case ;) Now I am feeling the Christmas spirit and jingle bells all the weekend.
is thinking should he just finally go to barbers or does his jungle -ish hair already need more forceful measures, like a lawnmower!
had two candles in the window for Finnish Independence Day, watched Täällä Pohjan Tähden Alla and Linnan Juhlat... it is a great country and apart from the ones who looked like they had dressed in the dark for President's reception I am proud of my country.
was at great seminar today... so inspiring speeches and people, I am overwhelmed to see how much people care. Branding Finland is very much a question what kind of country and keys for success we want to give to our children. Maximum respect.
Suomen tulevaisuuden keskiössä on nuorten hyvinvointi ja onnistumisen edellytykset. Kaikki keskustelemaan asiasta Suomen brändivaltuuskunnan seminaarissa Helsingin Itäkeskuksen Stoassa, Turunlinnantie 1, torstaina 3.12.2009 klo 16.00–19.00. Tervetuloa!
is in London... El Classico at Selhurst Park tomorrow... Palace - Watford will be a great day!
was sent the most honest link for a long time... the truth is out there. http://www.tackfilm.se/?id=1259178764130RA59
is doing well at business front. After good day of sales it can only be ended up by watching Finnish Apperentice. In a final four there is a whale from Turku that could sell kebabs to a vegetarian. A classic.
Saturday is full on circus with my nephews... those cheeky little monkeys!
is back on track after Levi World Cup and seminar, plus other related activities. Levi really is challenging for a first-timer, Silja Line of Lapland. Still, now a very productive day... sponsored by 14 coffees, though.
should get some kind of Powerpoint -award from ridiculously good looking presentations... NOT!
kohta Jethro -hylje ja Aki -hylje samaan aikaan televisiossa, se on Diili tai Sisu!
sjung för gamla djurgården!!! Så härligt, så lätt ;)
wants people not to panic because it is not an earthquake, I am just going jogging so be aware the earth shattering over the next hour, wherever you are!
needs to argue what is the importance of sports for Finland. Urheilun merkitys on tosin niin moninainen ettei sen määrittely ole helppoa kansakunnalle, varsinkaan suomalaiselle. Urheilun voima jo sinällään on sekä sisäisesti että ulkoisesti merkittävää, mutta sillä on myos taloudellista, poliittista, fyysistä, henkistä ja ennen kaikkea sosiaalista merkitystä. Miksi emme sitten ole osanneet tätä Suomessa käyttää ja mikä lopulta on the genious of Finnish sports?
is visiting stockholm to see Dif-Kalmar, kom igjen grabbar!
is thankful... in career - especially as an old war horse - one gets flowers so seldom that times like these one should really take them. Oh yeah.. and bit of a headache too. Over past two years I have seen all the possible worst sides of football that could have easily ended my career. So this trophy with the club where I started the game is very special.