Takaisin uutisiin
Social network diary Sep-Oct/2011
Lunch with a president and 0-0 against JJK. Not business as usual, though, as we normally win.
They claim to be our language relatives but yet don’t have any word in common with us. Come on Finland, lets win today over those Hungarians! The question is which five players in the game's starting lineup I have played CLUB football with?
Answer: Forssell (Crystal Palace), Ring and Raitala (HJK), Kiraly (Crystal Palace) and Hajnal (Kaiserslautern)
I thought I was like Al Pacino. I had high hopes for my first cameo movie role which is btw starting in 10 minutes at TV Nelonen... however many people said already back at 2004 that I looked more like Shrek in it. And here is the much requested my episode at "Come dine with me". http://www.nelonen.fi/ohjelmat/nelj%C3%A4n-t%C3%A4hden-illallinen/kaikki-videot?vt=video_episode&vid=321363
It's a Tupla eli se on double champions this year! Or this legendary link says it better…
After 6-0 victory today we are now only one point away from becoming Finnish champions again. Moreover, great win for the Eagles!!
Only bad part of winning the cup final is the terrible hangover today... now heading towards a double... not nightouts but trophies!
Allright... today starts the long waited public humiliation of me cooking food in "Come done with me" (Neljän "tähden" illallinen). After tomorrow I am waiting calls from Top Chef competition.
Must be the first non-musical albino footballer to make rapping debut at 35... that is what i call street credibility haha. Respect.
Thank You so much You all great people, I am very humbled. I was told that men do not quit playing footie because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing. I interpreted this that i am still young... otherwise i need another excuse for my everyday behaviour ;)
just returned from a game fuming and only to realise that i am now closer to 70 than my own birth. So many good years and times still to come.