Tilbake til nyheter
No shopping
I needed a shelf. I was fed up with my books and clothes lying all over the floor, making my new flat look like a war zone. Going shopping without a plan is like trying to make sense what to order from Chinese take-away – you have no-idea what you come home with. I acknowleged the risk but there I was in Kungens Kurva (Swedish version of Croydon retail Center), with no plan, measurements or support socks to my calves.
I think there is an in-build urge for gadgets in men so suddenly I just found myself in Mediamarket and bought a printer-scanner combo. Who knows, one day I might even have a use for it! On a way back to my car from buying that tiny all-in-one machine but still a ridiculously massive box to carry, I noticed bicycles outside a sports store. That was definitely something I had use for but I hadn’t found a proper place in town to buy one yet. As I don’t go shopping that often I saw my window of opportunity to nail it now. So I left my test winner printer to the cashier and took a little test drive around the car park. It was a pretty basic, most would prefer a word “rubbish” bike, but as my use would be only for short distances I found the 1200 kronors a good value to my money. To my surprise it also came in a box. I struggled few meters with my two massive boxes, then got a hump and asked an old lady to look for them while I picked my car closer. God I was happy I didn’t have a sports car anymore, because even with my masculine packing habits the both boxes fit in well.
Now I only needed that shelf, so even if my legs were already shouting Hoosianna, I was decisive when I entered a big furniture store, Mio. I have a pretty good eye for design and interior but going aimlessly in a store full of bit of everything in rainbow colors is a pointless job when I couldn’t even remember what kind of floor I had at home. I took a lamp anyway, but then left it to next level. Just on my way out two massive paintings hit my eye. I knew immediately I was going to take them so I didn’t even wanna look how much it cost me to buy those silhouettes of two beautiful ladies dancing, all in broken, yet calm colors. I couldn’t get a shelf anymore from there as my hands and car were full. However, I still battled myself to IKEA which is normally the easiest solution.
This turned out to be no easy IKEA. It had in five floors inner circle and outer circle, all connected in small stairs or longer stairs, so I had basically never even an idea what I had already seen or not seen and why had I walked past those kitchen tables six times already! How I missed those proper IKEA:s where you can just follow the arrows in the floor. All I wanted now was to go out and even that was not easy, but I finally got my tired legs to the self storage side in the end of the labyrinth. To my surprise, my hand suddenly grabbed in there something that I had never bought before – a green plant I later learned is called a ficus. I don’t know why but I felt that my home needed something green to look more alive and this fit the bill perfectly. I felt very Feng Shui indeed even though it meant I had to drive my knees on my chins to get enough room to all my purchases.
What a day! I left to buy a self, I came back with a printer, a ficus, bicyckle and two massive paintings. That is why I never go shopping. It is a jungle out there!